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Women, Islam and the West



Women, Islam and the West

The Symposium will explore the realities and challenges experienced by six Muslim women leaders living in the West. Through a thoughtful dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims on issues of leadership and cultural change, the program will deepen a Western audience’s understanding of the Islamic World and the rapidly evolving role of Muslim women. Participants will explore the concept of “ijtihad” – the reinterpretation of religious principle in light of changing realities – as well as the efforts of women to have their voices heard within religious circles. What is accepted and what is forbidden within an Islamic society? Can a woman be simultaneously Western and authentically Islamic? Drawing on background readings, current events and personal narratives, participants will assess the cultural divide and explore the challenges faced by bridge-builders on both sides. What role does miscommunication play in each side’s frustrations with the other? How do mainstream moderates in the Muslim world view the West, and how do westerners typically see the world of Islam? The Symposium will include an opening dinner, two half-days of dialogue in an Aspen Institute seminar room, and a film with panel discussion in Paepcke Auditorium. The event will be limited to 30-35 participants.
Fee: $500, includes opening dinner on Aug. 20 and reserved seating at the film & public panel discussion on Aug. 21.
For more information, please visit Aspen Institute's Website.